Netra Tarpanam (Oil Retention Therapy on Eye)

Netra Tarpanam (Oil Retention Therapy on Eye)

Netra means "eye" and tarpanam means "nourishment". This rejuvenating Ayurvedic treatment for the eyes utilizes ghee or clarified butter as a healing agent for tired, stressed, dehydrated eyes and vision or refractive problems.


How is it done?
It involves retaining a pure medicated oil or butter over the eyes with the help of a well of green gram lentil flour dough.


How does it work?
Warm medicated ghee or butter helps to relax the eye muscles, provide nourishment, and improve blood flow. Following the treatment, the patient is requested to stay for 3 hours in our day care suite until mild blurriness of vision is cleared.


Key benefits:
  • Relieves eye strain.
  • Improves vision and refractive errors.
  • Prevents cataract.
  • Excellent for dry eyes.
  • Strengthens eye muscles.


What are the different types of ghee used for Netra Tarpanam?
  • Triphala Ghritam: Rejuvenates the eyes.
  • Jeevantyadi Ghritam: Improves vision.


What does it include?
  • Netra Tarpanam “Eye rejuvenating therapy” for 60 minutes.
  • Day care stay for 3 hours until vision normalizes.


Netra Tarpanam is indicated to whom?
  • For treatment:
    • Dry eye syndrome
    • Computer vision syndrome
    • Eye fatigue
    • Cataract
  • For wellness:
    • Revitalize the eyes and relieve eye strain


Recommended No. of Session:
10 sessions to experience the maximum benefits from this therapy.
Duration of each session
60 minutes + 3 hours of post-therapy rest at our day care facility until vision normalizes.

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